Logo and Menu Design

Fresh Options Ordered and Delivered, or F.O.O.D., is a hypothetical company that was thought up by a class group I was a part of. Our assignment was to come up with a company and all the operational procedures of that company and then to essentially sell our product/service to the class in a group presentation. My part in this project consisted of creating a logo, menu, and brochure design. Quite a relief because it would have been a disaster to put me in charge of the budget. I have fragile math skills.

F.O.O.D. is a company that provides a way for college students to have healthy food options. It serves mostly organic food that can be ordered online, over the phone, or through text message and is then delivered directly to the student's dorm or apartment. It sounded like a pretty nice concept by the time we were through brainstorming.

I wanted the design for F.O.O.D. to be appealing to young people of course, so I thought about the new kind of design trends we are starting to see. I'm certainly no expert when it comes to predicting the future of design, but it seems like a lot of new designs are leaning toward the minimalist look. The best example I can think of is the new Pepsi logo. It's in all lower case letters and the font is thin and basic, but also soft because it is curved. I like how the lowercase use of the font gives it a very understated feel. So in an attempt to give off this same look, I chose the Eurostile font for the logo. It is also a basic, slightly rounded font. The menu design is very simple too, using mostly this font and only two colors: black and green.

Menu Front
The layout for the menu is unique in its ability to implement the logo not just by placing the logo on or in it somewhere, but by using the letters of the logo to map out its dimensions. The "F" and "D" are actually the dimensions of the piece. So that makes the "D" shape a die cut since the curve of the "D" is the edge of the item. The menu, when closed, is about 5" x 5.5". The design is compact in order to be good for storing in a limited space area such as a small dorm desk drawer. This is a picture of what it looks like from the front when closed. The part that makes up the front panel is the F.O.O. and the vertical black bar of the D. Once opened, the D is a part of the middle, as seen below.

Menu Middle

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