Corporate Identity Design

Bob Luby's Seafood Grill is a restaurant located in Huntsville, Tx. It is a very casual sit down restaurant, but the prices are not very casual since they serve seafood, so the revamping of their logo and company identity needed to reflect both of these qualities.

Some of my inspiration came from the fish tank they have with lots of different little fish in it. They really add to the ambience of the restaurant. So, with the inspiration of a goldfish I designed the logo first.

The letterhead allowed me to delve deeper into a "seaside restaurant" feel with the simple wave-like stroke across the top. Some people see a fishing pole when they look at this, and that coincides with the theme as well.


I decided the envelope needed to be a continuation of our fish theme with a transparent fish shape across the right side. The managers often send out gift cards, coupons, and store promo items to customers. Therefore, having an envelope that is eye catching will help ensure that the message doesn't get thrown out with the rest of the not-so-interesting junk mail. 

Promotional Items



A major problem that Bob Luby's struggles with is their location. Their restaurant is right along the feeder road of Interstate 45, but many people don't know what exit to take to get there and end up passing it up. So a billboard would help tremendously with this.

Business Card
The business card is by far the most daring design of this set. It is the size and shape of a normal business card, except there is a perforated edge across the top that connects a coupon to the other side. So when a manager hands their business card to someone, there is also a promotional item attached to it.

And just to add a little flare to the card, there is a fish tail sticking out the top once the coupon is torn off.

<--- Business card 
with coupon disconnected.

<--- Coupon disconnected from business card. The perforated edge runs across this side, and the tail would just be a cutout, remaining on the top of the business card.


  1. My husband is the general manager of Bob Luby's and has been since 2008. He does not get a lot of input when it comes to the design of the logo, though it is an "orphan" restaurant within the Luby's Cafeterias/Fuddrucker's Restaurants Corporation--his store is the only one like it. It couldn't make it as a cafeteria, so it was closed around 2004, remodeled, and reopened as a seafood restaurant.
    I think your designs are very good and I intend to show them to him later on today.

  2. Corporate identity gernally includes a professionally and skillfully designed logo. I was looking for some different one to make a great design which is attractive and eye catching. Really your designs are nice and attractive. Good Job.

  3. Corporate identity generally includes a professionally and skillfully designed brand. I was looking for a quantity of different one to form a good design that is beautiful and eye catching. Truly your design is nice and beautiful.

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