Billboard Design

Verizon becomes Verithin

This was for a group project I was a part of. Our Sam Houston Art Department has a billboard that the Graphics 4 class is responsible for designing each semester.
The assignment was to come up with a spoof of an existing logo in order to promote a social cause or issue. Our group decided to go with an idea I proposed: Verizon becomes Verithin.

The design works well simply because there was no change in the visual aesthetic. The same red gradient that made up the "z" is now transferred to a "t", and the red check mark looks exactly the same. The fact that it is a "very thin" check mark helps promote the idea even more. The tagline was important for getting the message across to the viewer, so we decided to change the "Can you hear me now? Good." to "Am I pretty now? Good." Upon reading this, the viewer can then understand that this is a statement about eating disorders. One glance at the website reference in the corner further confirms this idea.

Then began the actual transfer to the billboard. No easy task.

We started at night because we needed to use a projector to outline the design onto the board. Here we are taping it out.

Zach traces it with a marker while Steven shows him how far off he is. It's harder to trace a fuzzy line of light than you think!

The next day, we began painting in the black letters. It took a lot of precision, even with the tape.

I clean up the edge around the "e" with a little bit of white while Katherine begins on the "t".

We struggled a lot with getting the right gradient, but we eventually decided the best way was to blend in white.

Shawn starts on the check mark.

And I finish up with the gradient, while Zach touches up the website at the bottom. He was so trusting. I could have dropped paint right on his head!


"Am I pretty now? Good."

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