Invitation Design

Fiddler on the Roof

One of my all-time favorite plays is Fiddler on the Roof. How could you not love a story with dancing Russians in it? In coming up with an invitation design, I wanted it to have a playful, energetic feel along with a touch of seriousness -- just like the play. I pulled some images from the play and added in of few of my own. In the middle of the invitation, there is an ominous, stormy sky in the background used to represent the political unrest of the time the play is set in. And even though the play isn't technically about a roof, I implemented a lot of wood textures just to sort of play off of the title.


Working with a pop-up was a lot of fun. It helped to add a whimsical effect to the piece and hopefully a smile to the face of the recipient along with a "maybe I'll go to this event" response.

It was important to use an appropriate picture for the pop-out so that the pop-out wouldn't be interesting only because it's a pop out. I thought about some of the funniest parts of the play and remembered the trouble Tevye goes through in dealing with his nagging wife. So the part of the invitation that pops out when it is first opened is Tevye's face and shoulders, as if he can't wait to get out of the room as she fusses at him from behind. I thought it looked cute.

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